Plug'n'Politix/Connect Congress in Barcelona - December 2004
An invitation form is available for groups to register in the following languages:
- english (wiki: PnpBcnInvitationFormEn)
- spanish
- italian
The Plug'n'Politix in Barcelona will be a meeting of individuals & collectives who take part in squatted open access points. Some of the possible activities could be:
- PresentAtions of collectives/projects
- WorkshopsAndDiscussions on subjects which interest us
- Actions in the physical world (a.k.a. RealityHacking)
- PartyAndFun
Note: We recommend to propose topics on the wiki, to know what people are interested in and what preparation's are needed!!!!
In Barcelona (Catalonia,Spain), mainly in the Santa Catalina neighborhood located in the historical centre. Actual MeetingPlaces have to be confirmed yet.
Because we feel the desire to meet people who run projects similar to ours, to share experiences, practices and ideas, and because we want to meet each other in the physical world and not just in cyberspace.
The meeting has been proposed by some individuals involved in the CyberForat project. Preparation of it is intended to be collective and horizontal. Everybody who is part of any project related to informatix & squatting is invited.
Since hosting resources are limited, we invite individuals and groups willing to participate to fill the PnpBcnRegistrationForm.
The meeting will be held on December 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 2004.
Organization of the pnp conference will be collective and horizontal. Some of the issues to be organized are:
- HardwareWishlist
- CookFood (ex CookingGroups)
- translation groups